Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Everything is getting more expensive.  Between the costs of gasoline and groceries, it can put a dent in your pocketbook.  Since gasoline prices don't seem to give too much, let's focus on cutting costs at the grocery store.

Every saving, even the seemingly small ones, can add up and have a positive effects on your grocery bill.

Make a grocery list.  Most importantly, eat before you go to the grocery store and stick to that list.  A growling stomach can tempt you to buy those groceries you do not need but look appetizing.

Keep a mental tab or written record of the prices of your usual groceries.  Manufacturers and retailers want your money.  Many of us focus on the visual so if the box looks tasty, we buy it.  If a product is labeled on sale, it may not really be.  I cannot count the number of times I looked beneath a sales tag to find the original price of a food to be identical to the sale price.

Grow your own food.  Buying seeds to grow your own vegetables undoubtedly saves money, but it also takes time.  If gardening is feasible for you and your family, give it a go.  You may find it not only saves money but is also a fun hobby.

Buy in bulk.  However, look at unit prices to ensure buying a larger quantity is cheaper than smaller portions.  If you buy in bulk, make sure you will be able to eat all of it before it expires.  Non-perishable items last longer and are a good idea.

Buy generic or store brands.  Brand names tend to be more popular because they are familar and the packaging is more appealing.  However, little differences exist between the foods, some are even produced at the same plants.  Buying generic food saves costs.  Many foods have similar tastes, and you may even discover generic products you prefer over brand.

Use coupons.  You have heard of those extreme couponers who walk away with free products; you do not have to go to those extremes, but every coupon helps.  Check for online coupons and those in your local ads. 

Skip those prepackaged, convenience foods.  It does save time, but you can cut your own fruits and vegetables to save significantly.

Skip the bottled water.  Do not pay for something that is free.  If you prefer the taste, buy a Brita water filter.  It leaves the water from your faucet tasting just as good as the bottled.

In a world where everything seems to cost too much, it is important to save money where you can.  Start with your grocery bill today.

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