Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Benefits of Berries

Berries are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals with few calories.  The grocery store sells them in a variety of packaging and for your convenience: fresh, frozen, or canned.  They require little preparation and are delicious plain or in a recipe, such as a parfait with yogurt, a smoothie, a fruit salad, or even a topping for a dessert.

Berry colors are due to natural plant pigments, such as the flavonoids, anthocyanins, and tannins, localized mainly in berry skins and seeds.  Berries are full of antioxidants because of these pigments, which help minimize free radical damage in our body.  For this reason, berries are also known as a "functional food," a food that brings health benefits when consumed.

Strawberries are low-calorie.  A one cup serving (about 8 to 10 medium-sized berries) contains only 45 calories.  They are also packed with vitamin C, which is important for your immune health.  Strawberries are naturally low in sugar, making them a great snack and reduced calorie or fat diet food.

Compared to strawberries, a one cup serving of blueberries contains 84 calories, and less vitamin C but still remains a good source.  One cup of raspberries, contains 60 calories and are high in fiber and vitamin C.  Blackberries have a similar nutrition profile to raspberries. 

Whether you eat your berries fresh, frozen, or canned, the health benefits of these fruits are great.  Berries are in season now, making them flavorful and less expensive this time of year, so take advantage!

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