Monday, July 23, 2012

Physical Activity

Physical activity is a great way to expend calories and to lose weight. 

Everything counts.  Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away from the grocery store to increase walking, sitting at your desk and tensing your muscles and relaxing.  Doing a little exercise throughout your day adds up and can have positive health benefits, both physically and mentally.

Being overweight or obese makes exercise more difficult, but not impossible.  Start small.  Even 5 minutes at a time is beneficial.  Wear a pedometer and aim to increase your steps each day.  Go for a swim or ride your bike.  Aerobic exercise is important but so is strength training.  Lift 5 lb weights to increase your strength.  Do an internet search on weight exercises to try.

The statement I hear the most is "I am too busy to exercise."  Work, school, kids, and stressful events in one's life are the main reasons why most people do not engage in any physical activity. 

Make it a priority.  The health benefits are numerous, from feeling more confident to helping prevent heart disease (the number one killer in the United States).  Set a timer to remind you to exercise.  Find a workout buddy.  Buy a pedometer. 

Any amount of physical activity is better than nothing.

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