After spending more time with family and friends, the second most popular New Year's resolution in the United States is to regularly workout, and the third is to lose weight. Does either resolution sound familiar to you?
Regular physical activity is associated with numerous health benefits, more so than anything else we can do. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risks for certain cancers, enhance mood, lower blood pressure, help achieve and maintain weight and even increase longevity. Exercise keeps you healthy and helps you feel and look great.
The statistics on overweight and obese adult Americans are staggering at 66% of the adult population. It is no wonder why exercise and weight loss are such popular New Year's resolutions. Setting goals and staying motivated and focused are key factors in reaching a specific weight and maintaining it long-term. Working closely with a registered dietitian can have a huge impact on staying on track this coming year. Do not hesitate to find a dietitian in your area and set up an appointment to help you get started on a weight loss program that is individualized to fit your current lifestyle.
New Year's resolutions are easy to make and hard to keep but very possible and realistic to meet with the right preparation and outlook.