Monday, September 17, 2012

Easy Ways to Save Calories

The concept of weight loss seems easy enough. Calories out need to be greater than calories in. Sounds easier than it really is. In many cases, we do not realize when we take in more calories than needed or at the exact age our metabolism begins to slow and almost unknowingly our weights begin to creep upward.

Keeping a food record can be an eye-opening experience to help us pinpoint where we can cut calories to aid our weight loss efforts. Limiting condiments and caloric beverages are two of the easiest ways to take in less calories. Instead of putting condiments directly on food, use them on the side, such as dipping your salad in the dressing, your sandwich in bbq sauce or ketchup, or your pancakes in syrup. We tend to take in less calories from condiments by eating them on the side.

Calories in beverages add up fast. Soft drinks and many fruit juices have added sugars and have a lot of calories for little, if any, nutritional value. Switching to diet soda or to a calorie-free additive, like Crystal Lite, you can immediately cut a few hundred calories, especially if you are an all-day soda drinker.

Saving calories is not the only way to help in weight loss, but also burning more calories through physical activity. Taking the stairs more often or parking further from the grocery store are a few examples to increase activity with little effort.

Evaluate your own eating habits or see a registered dietitian to help you determine where you can trim some calories.

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