Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Myths about Diabetes

Myth: It is your fault if you have diabetes.

Not true. Diabetes is not your fault or anyone's fault.  No one knows exactly what causes diabetes, but your eating habits and exercise level can play a role in controlling your blood sugar.  However, it isn't the only contributing factor.

Myth: Once you have diabetes, it is all downhill.

Nope! If you follow a consistent carbohydrate diet and exercise, you can delay or completely prevent problems from diabetes.

Myth: If you take insulin, you have horrible diabetes. 

Again, not so. Everyone with type 1 diabetes needs to take insulin and sometimes those with type 2 will eventually need it.  Overtime, your pancreas makes less and less insulin so as diabetes changes, pills won't be as effective so we turn to insulin. 

If you have diabetes, it is a good idea to see a dietitian in order to make a meal plan to meet your specific needs.  

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