Friday, January 11, 2013

Healthy Drinks

Choosing a healthy drink can be very beneficial. A beverage can help provide necessary nutrients but it can also provide empty calories. For this reason, knowing your healthier drink options becomes increasingly important in terms of weight management and general health.

Green Tea:
0 calories

The Benefit: Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and cavities. Green tea is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, natural antioxidants that may protect cells from cancer-causing substances and inhibit tumor growth by neutralizing free radicals in the body.

Reduced-Fat Milk: 120 calories for 8 oz

The Benefit: Helps protect against osteoporosis and curbs appetite. It helps you stay full longer because of its protein content. It also stabilizes blood sugar, so you're less susceptible to cravings. Milk is an excellent source of calcium because it also contains vitamin D, which is needed for maximum calcium absorption.

Soy Milk: 80 calories for 8 oz

The Benefit: Lowers the risk of heart disease. Soy milk contains soluble fiber and soy protein, which lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and triglycerides, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Low-Sodium Tomato Juice: 30 calories for 6 oz

The Benefit: May protect against numerous cancers. Processed tomato products are the richest source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been associated with a reduced risk of several cancers and cardiovascular disease.

This is just a brief, shortened list of healthy drinks. There are many more, and remember water is always a great beverage choice. Do your research and always read nutrition labels carefully.

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