Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Brown Bag Lunches

Bringing your lunch to work or school everyday may not be a top priority because of convenience or preference for fast foods or restaurants. However, packing a lunch daily can lead to many positive changes in your wallet and your waistline.

Lower Calories and Fat
Undoubtedly, if you pack your own lunch, you will save calories and fat. Fast food joints and restaurants buy food that is convenient, and convenient food tends to be fattier and saltier than food we would make in our homes. While it is true many eatery places are offering healthier and lighter options, they still have many unnecessary added calories and fat, from the dressings they use on salads or the cooking methods they use.

Cost and Quality
In general, when you brown bag it rather than eating out your wallet grows. On average it costs about $3 to bring a sack lunch while it costs about $10 to buy one out. These savings can add up quickly. Another benefit being that you know what you are putting in your foods. When we eat out, we cannot be certain what has gone into our food. We know the quality of the food we are eating when we pack our own lunch.

Food Preferences
The great part of bringing your own lunch is that you don't have to settle on what you are eating. You can bring your favorite foods for lunch rather than stopping by the most convenient fast food establishment and just picking anything on the menu. When you choose foods spontaneously without much thought and you are hungry when doing so, we tend to choose fattier, high-calorie foods that look and sound appetizing.

Bring your lunch to work or school. It will save you calories and money!

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