Monday, October 8, 2012

Focus on Fitness

Before the daily nutrition and fitness prescription, we need a response for how many Cynergy Health Challenge participants would be interested in taking fitness classes at Wilson's Fitness. Wilson's has generously agreed to team with us for our challenge. They are willing to offer classes for just our participants if enough are interested.

If you are interested, please email us back with whether you prefer a 4-week class or 6-week, how many times weekly you would like the class, and what time would you prefer classes.

We hope you can take advantage of this opportunity!

Make an effort to increase your activity today. Take a walk on a break or at lunchtime. Park further away at the grocery store, at work, or at school. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Anything to get you moving.

Bring your lunch to work tomorrow if you normally eat in the cafeteria or at a fast food establishment. Pack your lunch the night before if you are usually short on time in the mornings. Remember food safety if you do not have a refrigerator available at work. If this is the case, a peanut butter sandwich will be safer than bringing something that may spoil, like a deli sandwich.

Try to get a variety of the food groups in your packed lunch: grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits, dairy.

3 thin slices of deli ham
2 pieces wheat bread
1 cup baby carrots
1 small banana
6 oz yogurt

Fitness prescription: walk 15 minutes at a brisk pace, do 15 jumping jacks, do 10 lunges

Keep it up! If you have any questions, remember our dietitian, Megan, is here to help!

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