Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Moderating Candy Consumption

Halloween is here! Trick or treating is on your mind and undoubtedly is on your children's minds. As the evening approaches and the dressing up begins, have a plan set for moderating candy consumption. We've all eaten too much sugar before and probably remember that feeling we had in our stomach. To avoid eating too many sweets and the sugar crash that follows, you need to remember one thing: portion sizes.

Portion sizes are always important whether it comes to our daily meals or the candy we get on Halloween. There are a variety of ways to keep candy consumption to a single serving. One is by eating a balanced dinner the night of trick or treating. Getting full on the good food will help limit eating a lot of candy and chocolate.

Predividing candy and chocolate into single-serving portions in Ziplocs is a great way to keep sugar consumption low. Allowing a child to have just one bag a day or every other day to satisfy their sweet tooth without as many calories.

Give away extra candy to eliminate the temptation. Or you can use the trick of "out of sight, out of mind" to keep you or your children from overeating.

And I hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

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